Helping an addict find addiction treatment in Florida is one of the most overwhelming experiences you can have. If you are not using and never have, it can seem so simple. Just stop using. For a person with an addiction, it is never this simple or easy. They are in the battle of their lives. How can you help them?
Helping an Addict Is Hard to Do
Even when a person wants help, it can be difficult for them to reach out for it or to accept it. They also may feel as though they have no one they can trust. Often, those who want to help may not understand what they are going through. Unless you’ve been there, it’s hard to understand the challenges, negative thoughts, and helplessness a person with addiction feels. So, is helping an addict possible? What can you do?
Addiction Cannot Be Solved with Just Love
Just because you love a person with an addiction doesn’t mean that it is enough to help them to stop or to give them the motivation to stop. Because this disease is physically demanding and overpowering, no amount of love is enough. Recognize that helping an addict means getting them into a Florida inpatient drug rehab program that can provide real tools and effective strategies.
It’s Not a Personal Decision or Attack
Another important thing to remember about helping an addict is that it is not about you. For example, you may say something like, “If you loved me, you would let me help you.” The key to remember here is that they are not using because of you. They cannot stop by choosing you over the drugs or alcohol. Addiction runs much deeper than this.
They Want to Stop Using
Most people with addiction want to stop using it. They feel unable to do so due to physical dependency. Yet, they do desire to quit. From your point of view, that means coming to the realization that your loved one needs a strong support system to get them the care they need and to turn the page. They cannot just put the bottle down or not smoke.
What Can You Do to Encourage Them to Get Help, Then?
Considering all of those points, then, how is helping an addict possible? It really comes down to a few simple things that you can do right now to help your loved one.
- Tell them you will help them get help. Find a treatment center they can rely on.
- Don’t take things personally when they lash out. Simply tell them you’re sorry they are going through this.
- Recognize that helping your loved one to enter into a residential treatment program is best. They can’t heal at home with any amount of help.
- Addiction cannot be cured. Don’t promise that to them.
- Support them through the ups and downs of recovery.
- Never ever forget that they are at risk for relapse at any time. Live a sober life with them.
- Never back down from helping them unless they are still using.
Find the Help Your Loved One Needs
The first thing you can do is to find a treatment program that can provide your loved one with support, especially if mental health issues are also present. Then, present that to them. You may need to consider intervention if they are unwilling to seek out help. Helping an addict does not mean forcing them into dual diagnosis treatment in Florida, but providing them with a path to getting there. The more you can do to encourage this, the more likely they are to take the support and to get help.
If you or your loved one needs help with drug or alcohol addiction, reach out to a professional for help today.